The “Step-up” Trick!

We already saw in the article here, how our financial super power (“Patience”) affects the investment. Now let us look at another big financial trick which if applied rightly along with “Patience”, would reap you great rewards. This trick is called “Step up investments”.  “Step-up investments” – what does this mean? Every year most employees…

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Easy mutual fund portfolio

Firstly, it’s scary to look at the universe of all available mutual funds and then select the best funds for your goals.  There are about 44 mutual fund houses offering more than 2500 schemes for us to invest our money. Is there a “sensible default” way to invest your money in equity mutual funds? Before…

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Ability vs Willingness to take risk

While making investments, there are two factors which affect our decisions with respect to taking risks. It is important to understand our Willingness vs Ability to take risk. Ability to take risk – This measure tells us how much of risk can be taken by us while making an investment decision.  Willingness to take risk –…

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